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Title Let us become one centering on True Parents: Regarding the recent activities of the Kwak group
Date 2012-05-22 Hit 5344

Let us become one centering on True Parents: Regarding the recent activities of the Kwak group


May 20, 2012 (Leap Month 3.30 by the heavenly calendar)


Warmest greetings to all blessed families and members throughout the country.

I am Mr. Tada, the section chief of the PR division at Headquarters. Today under the theme “Let us become one centering on True Parents,” I would like to speak about the recent activities of the Kwak group and also about how we blessed families and members of the Unification Church should deal with the Kwak group.

In order to welcome Foundation Day with victory, True Parents held a Special Gathering by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind at the Cheongshim Peace World Center on April 21, 2012 (Leap Month 3.1 by the heavenly calendar). This gathering was held following the urgent instructions True Parents gave on the airplane as they were returning from Las Vegas.

At this event, True Father stated that “True Parents’ speech today will begin from True Mother” and the two of them, True Father and True Mother, proclaimed the Word. The sight of True Parents clearly indicates “the realm of complete unity” of which True Parents are united as one.

True Mother has always walked on this path in support of True Father and the sight of her standing within the realm of an absolute object partner to True Father shows what we, Japan, the mother nation, should become.

On April 17, four days prior to this rally, a sorrowful act was carried out by the Kwak group. About forty members of the Kwak group gathered in front of the Dowon Building in Seoul, Korea and held a demonstration demanding the “resignation” of a True Child, who was appointed by True Father.

The Kwak group also announced a “Statement of Conscience of Blessed Families.”

It is truly regrettable to see such a great gap between True Father going forward towards the victory of Foundation Day while offering devotion and the series of such actions being taken by the Kwak group.

On July 8, 2010 (5.27 by the heavenly calendar) True Father held the “Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self” at Cheon Jeong Gung museum. Since then, along with True Mother, he has held the “Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self” in Korea and the United States. In 2011 the following year, True Parents, along with the International President and his wife, together proclaimed God’s word during their tour of Europe and at the rally in Las Vegas. During the rally in Nigeria, True Father and True Mother were completely united as one and the International President and his wife were also completely at their side during the course of this rally.

Furthermore, in this year, True Father sent True Mother to Japan, the mother nation, and had her hold the “Rally to Proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.”

True Father viewed True Mother’s rallies through the internet and blessed the mother nation of Japan. True Father was greatly pleased with the victory of these rallies and invited Japanese members to Las Vegas. Through this gesture we could see and feel how much True Father loves Japan, centered on True Mother.

However, the Kwak group are alleging that True Father is “senile,” that True Mother is not united with True Father, and other indeed unfaithful things. The recent Blessing Ceremony held this year on March 24 (3.3 by the heavenly calendar) at the Cheongshim Peace World Center shows True Father, far from being senile, completely in charge of the event and in good health, and also shows True Mother closely at True Father side, truly manifesting a beautiful sight of “the realm of oneness.”

To claim that True Father is “senile” and criticize True Mother, who is supporting True Father, as “not being united with him” is nothing more than an act of treason against the “Original Substance of the Divine Principle.”

Furthermore, the actions of the Kwak group in holding a demonstration demanding the resignation of a True Child that was appointed by True Parents is something that truly brings tremendous sorrow to True Father. We as blessed families should also deeply repent for these events.

Unfortunately, however, we have discovered that the Kwak group are aiming to land in Japan and are planning to hold a rally and gathering in the metropolitan area for two days on June 2 (Sat) and June 3 (Sun). At this time I wish to draw attention to such activities to you as those belonging to the mother nation.

First of all, these activities will be obstructions in the course of attaining victory for the “Foundation Day Providence.” What we would like to say is not about criticizing what Hyun-jin nim is trying to do as simply being “good” or “bad.”

What we candidly would like to advise is regarding the fact that he is trying to hold a rally in Japan without instructions from True Father. This is an obstruction to the victory of the “Foundation Day Providence” of True Parents who are moving forward toward Foundation Day. That is why we would like Hyun-jin nim to immediately discontinue these activities. 

Secondly, the center of the Unification family is True Father. It makes things difficult to suddenly come to Japan without going through True Father. Please come after receiving True Father’s approval. It is important to follow that order of process. I would like to appeal to you on this point of coming to Japan after obtaining True Father’s approval.

Thirdly, what we would like to convey to the third son Hyun-jin nim is that we desire first improvement in the relationship between True Father and Hyun-jin nim. The center of the Unification family is True Father. He is Christ. We fervently wish that you first meet True Father and improve your relationship with him.

Everything will begin from that point. Coming to Japan without improving relations is not the correct steps to be taken. We would like to clearly like to make this appeal to you on these three points.

The conclusion that the Japanese church has reached is in calling for all members “not to participate” in any gathering held by the Kwak group. We sincerely ask for our members’ understanding to not participate even if invited. 

In addition to this we would like to convey the issues with the “Statement of Conscience of Blessed Families” that was announced by the Kwak group.

Many statements that are problematic can be found in the text of the Kwak group’s “statement of conscience.”

Some spiritual groups have stated that they too support Kwak group’s “statement of conscience” and are scheming to create division in the Unification family.

At this time the Department of External Affairs have openly posted on the official home page an article entitled “Distortions of Kwak’s group’s ‘statement of conscience’ seen from the Word.” Please take the time to read this article so that you can correctly understand what is being distorted. The article clarifying the problems of the “statement of conscience” published by the Kwak group covers a total of five points including a reference to the introductory part of that statement. Here, to prevent further complications in our explanation we shall only deal with three points of the problems in the Kwak group’s statement.

First of all, Kwak group states as the first point in their “statement of conscience” the following sentence.

 “True Parents’ greatest accomplishment is in establishing the True Family on the earth. Currently, the status of True Parents and the True Family in society has fallen as much as it can, and in terms of providence, the root of the True Family is being shaken before the settlement of the rights of the elder son, rights of the parent and kingship.”

However, True Parents are firmly settled down and True Father, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind has completely united with God and has proclaimed the perfection, completion, and conclusion of this unity. They have not fallen at all. Kwak Group refers to the “True Family” but it omits “True Parents.”

First of all, True Father’s greatest achievement is in establishing for the first time in history the “True Parents.” Therefore, the first point that we make is that the Kwak group have a distortion regarding “True Parents.”

Secondly, in the third point of their “statement of conscience,” they state “Foundation and Headquarters should immediately suspend indiscriminate law suits to which they divert an astronomical amount of money. If they should adamantly continue until they win this battle, we may welcome the worst type of Foundation Day, and even before we see the results of all these law suits, we shall be degraded to be a group greatly criticized by the world, and many members shall end up leaving the church.”

Kwak group uses “threatening phrases” by saying that we might welcome the “worst type of Foundation Day” but the resolution of this problem is simple. All they need to do is be absolutely obedient to “True Parents’ Declaration” that was proclaimed by True Father. That is what True Father wishes for.

If they do so, all the law suit battles will come to an end. The problem is because they are not absolutely obedient to “True Parents’ Declaration.” Their claims are nothing more than a theory of “shifting the responsibility” to another.

Furthermore, the fifth item in their “statement of conscience” cites that “Members should not be forced to make a choice nor should they be criticized as traitors or threatened in any way. If you see the statement made by 72 blessing group announced by Headquarters, you can see how rigid and extreme the church’s mentality is.”

However, heaven is a world of true love and absolute values, and is a world of heart that is crystal clear to True Parents’ words. Criticism towards this unblemished awareness regarding True Parents’ words is nothing more than words spoken by secular relativists.

Like it is stated in number four of the Family Pledge, we must first understand that we can “build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is God's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness” only through the absolute value of true love and the Word.

Ultimately, there is no other way than by “uniting centering on True Parents.”

Brothers and sisters, please visit the homepage of the Committee to Implement True Parents’ Declaration that was opened by the Department of Public Relations, and render your cooperation in resolving the Kwak group problem.

Below is the URL of this homepage.

Please visit this homepage and confirm True Parents’ words and other articles posted on this site.

That is all I have to say. Thank you for your attention.


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