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Title [KBS News] UPF hosts the “2018 Africa Summit” in Senegal.
Date 2018-02-27 Hit 1028
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[KBS News]

The Universal Peace Federation hosts the “2018 Africa Summit” in Senegal

Today, the Universal Peace Federation held the Africa Summit in Senegal, West Africa. The topic  addressed the mutual prosperity and universal value of a New Africa.

The Africa Summit was attended by the Senegalese President, along with political and religious figures from about 60 countries, as well as representatives from various non-governmental organizations, reaching a total of about 1,200 participants.

The President of Senegal said that Africa, being the continent of the future, will advance forth by creating new peace through development...... [See the original story] 

[MBN News]

“Africa for Peace”… Universal Peace Federation’s resolution and proclamation

[Anchor’s speech]

The Universal Peace Federation, which is an international non-governmental  organization under the Family Federation for World Peace, held a summit in Senegal concerning interdependence and mutual prosperity.

African leaders, along with those from 60 other nations, pledged for peace on the African continent.

Sang-Joo Lee reporting.



Connecting leaders from areas such as politics, religion, academics, media, arts and sports, the Universal Peace Federation headed for Africa to help solve various conflicts facing the continent.


The continent of Africa was left with communities decimated by civil war, and it suffered severe droughts and conflicts between various factions and denominations.


The Head of the Family Federation, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, emphasized the Interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally -shared values of the New Africa.


▶Dr. Hak Ja Han/ Founder of the Universal Peace Federation


Humanity does not need war. We should communicate with one another. We can achieve a Heaven on Earth of unity and happiness, as well as freedom, equality and peace, where there is no high or low.


The President of Senegal, Macky Sall, conveyed in his message that we must grow through Africas economic movement, and contribute to a global peace village through character education and family values.


Religious leaders and representatives added that holding a liberation ceremony for Gorée Island would bear a special significance, since it holds an ominous reputation as one of the central transferring points for the slave trade.


About 1,200 people attended the summit, including the Prime Minister, along with former and incumbent Senegalese presidents and 35 ministers and participants from about 60 countries. The Dakar Proclamation of Peace, containing resolutions and recommendations for peace, included the meaning of building a new Africa....[See the original story]

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