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Title [Segye Times] Spreading True Love of Family and Society to America, the Land of Capitalism
Date 2016-06-01 Hit 8793

[Segye Times]

Spreading True Love of Family and Society to America, the Land of Capitalism

Family Federation, June 5th ‘New York Contest’ 40th Anniversary Event

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is to hold a series of events in America. On the 5th of June, a grand-scale event at the Belvedere Training Center in Tarrytown, New York, will be held, as well as another on the 18th of September in Washington, D.C. North American Continent President of the Unification Church, Ki-Hoon Kim, revealed, “This assembly is a commemorative meeting that celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Yankee Stadium assembly that had hundreds of thousands of people gathering together, as well as the Washington Monument rally in Washington, D.C., and is a place where future visions are to be shared.”

June 5, the FFWPU Training Church at Belvedere, in Tarrytown, New York, will be used as an historical landmark for the 40th anniversary of the “New York Yankee Stadium Assembly.”

After founding the Unification Church in 1954, Reverend Sun Myung Moon started his first missionary work in 1965, in San Francisco, rebuking the corruption in America by going on a lecturing tour in the early 1970s. Later, in 1974, he hosted the Madison Square Garden assembly, and two years later through rallies in New York and Washington, D.C., he proclaimed that America had been invaded by Satan, delivering a refreshing shock to the American society. The reason that the Unification Church made America the starting point for its missionary work in the world was because they took into consideration that America was the land of Christianity and capitalism. America is a country that was founded by the descendants of Puritanism. After declaring independence in 1776, the axis sustaining America has been Christianity and Evangelism.

Since the 1960s, Reverend Moon has set forth with his missionary work in America based on the belief that “America is God’s Hope.” Tongil Group PR Director Ho-Yeol An explained that Reverend Moon did his best to cultivate an upright value system for families and American society, which at the time, was rife with racial discrimination and ideological bias. At the beginning of his missionary work in America, Reverend Moon purchased the Belvedere Training Center and East Garden, making them holy grounds. Reverend Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han later preached the providence of the Unification Church through 370 public lectures and assemblies over 40 years. 120 countries throughout the world were also toured and evangelized.

The New Yorker Hotel, Where the World Missionary Headquarters of the Family Federation Lies.

In its stream of expanding its congregation through spreading religious values, the Famly Federation also aggressively jumped into cultural enterprises. The first modern New Yorker Hotel located in the main street of Manhattan, New York, was purchased in 1976, and served as the axis of all missionary work in the world. The New Yorker Hotel was the pride of America when it was the highest building in the world in 1930. With the Pennsylvania Station, which is the main terminal of the Amtrak train line that connects every corner in America, right before its eyes, the hotel is only five minutes away from Korea Town by foot. Neighboring the New Yorker Hotel, the Manhattan Center is spreading its reputation with all sorts of cultural performances and events. Manhattan representative Marcus Khar, who was recruited as a management specialist, said, “On the 9th of July, Super Junior, who represents K-POP, is to perform,” and explained, “It is a place where VIPs often visit, such former President Jimmy Carter.”

The University of Bridgeport Located in Connecticut.

The Unification Church has also entered the fields of education and media. The University of Bridgeport in Connecticut was acquired, and the representative daily newspaper of Washington, D.C., The Washington Times, was also founded. Washington Times Foundation Chairman of Board Michael Jenkins said, “Other than that, our group is also constantly managing maritime businesses through dockyard and deep-sea fishing,” and explained, “The business philosophies of the Family Federation are the three Fs: freedom, family and faith.” The activities of the Family Federation fostered a resistance in the mainstream society of America, but the White House itself acknowledged the role of the Family Federation. From President Richard Nixon to Barack Obama, all presidents that were either from the Republic or Democratic Parties met with Reverend Moon or sent a congratulatory message to Family Federation events.

New York East Garden, One of the Holy Grounds of the Family Federation.

In this sense, the New York Contest of the Family Federation that is to be held on the 5th of next month, is to be an event that proclaims a new takeoff in America, the land of Christianity and Evangelism. Just like at the time when massive rallies were held in 1976 in New York and Washington for the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, it also bears a special significance for America herself. At the event in New York, the Head of the Family Federation, Dr. Hak Ja Han, and 3,000 believers and members are expected to participate. At the Washington event on the 18th of September, 12,000 people are expected to participate.

With the event ahead of her, Dr. Han said, “America has been one of the three main, catalyst countries on our axis during the initial stages of the Unification Church, along with Korea and Japan,” and revealed, “will make the New York Contest on the 5th of June as a starting point to revive the Family Federation, the values of family and religion.” North American Continental President of the Family Federation, Ki-Hoon Kim said, “With the year 2020 ahead, the Family Federation, that was born during a time where our homeland was in its worst situation, has proclaimed its ‘Vision 2020’ and its ‘Four Years of Hope.’” and explained, “We are to actively set forth in order to fulfill the values that connect history and the world.”.... [See the original story]

[Segye Times]

“Inspection of American Missionary Work Values by Holding June 5th New York Contest”

North American Continental President of the Family Federation Ki-Hoon Kim

With the ‘June 5th New York Contest’ ahead, North American Continental President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Unification Church), Ki-Hoon Kim recently revealed at the New Yorker Hotel in the United States, “With the year of 2020, which is the 100th anniversary of the birth of our founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon, as its goal, the Family Federation is making a new start.” About the New Yorker Hotel, President Kim said, “It is a hotel, but also serves a role as the world missionary work headquarters as well,” and explained, “Family Federation missionaries that spread out to over 120 countries stop by and make close friends, and gain much spiritual strength.”


Originally from Jeongju, Pyongbuk, President Kim joined the Family Federation during his elementary days through his aunt that at the time was living alone. His aunt was an elite ‘modern girl’ that had graduated from Ehwa Women’s University of Music. The point where he earnestly started to learn about the teachings of the Family Federation was when he was in college. He said, “I was going to college, and was then captivated by the visions, ideals and philosophies of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han,” and recalled, “In order to spread their teachings, I took a two-year leave of absence from college and went all around the Gangwon Province.” For his church missionary work, he emigrated to America in 1977, when he was 25 years old, and settled in Chicago. There, he followed the Family Federation teachings of “Set forth for the spiritual regeneration of American youths.”


He additionally said, “From 240 to 400 years ago, America was a country that was founded by matrix of the activities of Puritans based in New England,” and explained, “The homeland of faith of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han is Korea, but the place where they developed the Family Federation into a global religion was America.” Just like in the words of Reverend Moon, “America is the country prepared by the heavens” for President Kim as well. He went on to say, “The America that once established democracy in families and ideals, is now being spoiled,” and further explained, “The fact that the next term presidential candidates of the United States are not showing proper values and philosophies is evidence itself.”


President Kim emphasized, “The reason for holding the New York Belvedere Contest with 3,000 people gathered on the 5th of June is to inspect once again the values surrounding missionary work in America, and to reestablish democracy in the United States, as well as the values of the world.” He further emphasized, “I am holding in my heart the three future visions of the Family Federation that Dr. Hak Ja Han revealed right after the passing of Reverend Sun Myung Moon,” and explained, “The three visions are to concentrate on 2nd generation education, to revitalize the family church, and to establish the scriptures of unification.” Such visions are being put into practice in real life. For instance, for the education of 2nd generations, the amount of scholarships was drastically increased, and for the vitalization of the family church, constant help is being provided not only for missionary work, but also for multicultural families..... [See the original story]

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