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Title [B.S. Team] We Truly Appreciate you Donating Boxes of Clothing
Date 2013-02-08 Hit 5755
File B.STeam2.JPG [107kb]

1,592 articles of clothing were donated by the B.S. Team on January 30th 2013 (Wed). As a company that donated new clothing last year as well, a special plaque was made and awarded to the company for the special donations made this time. We will make sure they reach the needy places in Africa. Thank you. 


[Interview - Foreign Cooperation Office Director Jeong Jin-hwa]


Question 1. What do you think about the cuture of donating in Korea?


"Korea still does not have the culture of donating that exists in the United States or Europe.  Korea is an OECD member country, but because as of  late the global economy has gradually worsened I think we need some more time before the culture of donating will take root in Korea.   In the future if Korea stretches itself to truly become a developed country I would like to see the culture of donating spread and by donating to nearby North Korea spread a culture that can unite North and South Korea."



Question 2. How did you meet the B.S. CEO?


"I learned about the B.S. Co., Ltd. CEO Seo Yeong-gi through a church contact, and after hearing about work he was doing at the Tongil Group as a missionary in Africa to send clothing, I gladly decided to provide support with clothing. Two donations have already been made following last year, and though we were told clearly about how we were not to give thank you plaques, we had a thank you trophy specially made to convey how thankful we were about the donation.


CEO Seo Yeong-gi is a Buddhist, but he has already provided much material support to countries overseas like North Korea through 'Good Neighbors,' and has been donating a lot regardless of his religion.


In particular, CEO Seo Yeong-gi spoke about how he was able to learn a lot about the Tongil Group and the Unification Church through this opportunity. He found that in the past the Tongil Group and the Unification Church has done much social work for the sake of world peace and the unification of North and South Korea.


We know that everyone should take part in volunteering and giving donations, but it is never easy. I am lead to believe that by provided actual help to those in society that really need help through such projects is another way to save the world."

Receiving the thank you plaque

B.S Team CEO Seo Yeong-gi  (left), Tongil Group Foreign Cooperation Office Director Jeong Jin-hwa (right)

Clothing arrives at the Dowon Building in Mapo.


We would like to offer thanks to the B.S. Team employees for donating the 34 boxes of new clothes.


We hope 2013 will be even better.

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