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Title Chairman No Hi Pak Visited Ilhwa Which Is Famous For Ginseng Products and McColl
Date 2013-04-27 Hit 5726
File ilhwa.jpg [209kb]



On the 15th of April (Mon) with the feeling of the energy of spring, Chairman No Hi Pak made his second company visiting to Ilhwa. Board president No Hi Pak and secretary-general Kim Jong-gwan met president Lee Seong-gyun and exchanged greetings at the head office in Guri and from 10:00am received business reports at the auditorium on the 3rd floor where the employees of Ilhwa attended. President Lee Seong-gyun explained the history of development and the overall performance for last decades of Ilhwa and stressed the “Vision 2020” plan on which the company focused. After that, the food business division, pharmaceutical business division, overseas business division, and business management division examined the performance and business strategies of the recent advertisement of McColl and development of ginseng products.

After receiving reports, board president No Hi Pak said that Ilhwa produces reliable products and the performance for last decades was such a great achievement of former board president Moon Kuk-jin. He stressed that the relationship between the church and the business suggested by president Han Hak-ja should develop into that between soul and body. He also asked the employees to achieve effective communication and innovative leap according to a sublime vision and a strong leadership showed by president Han Hak-ja, following president Moon Sun-myeong. Lastly, he stressed several times that all we who lead the company are a unification family and unification community and encouraged to bring the “2020 Support Project” to a successful issue, which supports Vision 2020 in both mental and material ways, while cooperating with each other like wheels of car.

After finishing their visiting the main office of Ilhwa in Guri, board president No Hi Pak and secretary-general Kim Jong-gwan visited an invitation factory located in Cheongwon-gun, Choongbuk to finalize all their schedule.























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