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Title Tongil Group contributes 410 million won towards the development fund for the Sun Moon University
Date 2013-06-26 Hit 5892
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On Thursday, June 13th at 4 pm, the Sun Moon University held the 'Tongil Group Sun Moon University Development Fund Delivery Ceremony,' which took place in the International conference room within the main building of Sun Moon University. 

There is 410 million won in funds affiliated with the 12 companies of the Tongil Group. The fund was formed from a combined donation by Ilhwa Co., Ltd., SegyeIlbo Co., Ltd., Yongpyong Resort Co., Ltd., TIC Co., Ltd., Ilsang Ocean Development Co., Ltd., Sunwon Construction Co., Ltd., Il Shin Stone Co., Ltd., Shinjeong Special Vehicles Co., Ltd., Seil Travel Agency Co., Ltd., SegyeIlbo Production Team Co., Ltd., JC Co., Ltd., Co., Ltd. and Seilo Co., Ltd.

Tongil Foundation Chairman No Hi Park said I hope the donation will contribute the development of human resources based on the school motto of 'Love for God, Love for People and Love for Nation. Also, the VSP 2020 (Vision 2020 Support Project) for the victory of Vision 2020 is underway and will once again resolve to become the Tongil Group with the strength to develop.


Sun Moon University President Seon Jo Hwang said "I am grateful to the Tongil Group for their contribution and testified about how he will develop creative, global people of character who transcend regional and national barriers. He further emphasized, I will do my best to develop people that can achieve the ideals of a global family according to the missing of the Founder of Sun Moon University, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

Afterwards the CEO of each company presented President Seon Jo Hwang with the development funds. In the planning manager's status report many are surprised at the results Sun Moon University has achieve in globalization and that there are more than 1,000 foreign students among the student population at Sun Moon University from about 80 different countries. 

After the event the entourage of CEOs were guided by President Hwang Seon Jo on a campus tour of the industrial and academic cooperation building and the Sun Moon University museum, while encouraging the next generation of students who will carry the future. 

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