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Title Invitational meeting held for the wives of Tongil Group executives
Date 2013-06-26 Hit 5859
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The Women's Federation for World Peace held the 'Invitational meeting for the wives of Tongil Group executives' on the 4th floor of the WFWP building on June 13th where 43 wives attended from 19 different Tongil Group affiliates.

The meeting was emceed by WFWP Secretary General YeongSeon Choi, prayer was offered by Mrs. YeonMi Kim (Asia Forum), there was a video viewing of WFWP activities, speech by WFWP President Nan Yeong Moon, followed by a speech of encouragement by President Chang Shik Yang (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification).


President Nan Yeong Moon spoke about the introduction of the NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN. She emphasized that Dr. Hak Ja Han has interests in women leaders, and she also mentions “all women leaders of agencies  businesses should take part in women's federation activities.” She also added “I think the supportive roles wives of Tongil Group business executives play is an important path. And we should return the value of our precious gift to those around us. Study Principle for the victory of Vision 2020, leaders should invite family and neighbors to participate in the Peace and Principle Seminars and finding people to populate the nation of CheonIlGuk is the ultimate mission. From that perspective let’s take part in membership registration in the federation and 1% Love Share Project, she advised.


President Chang Shik Yang (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) explained in his encouragement speech about the 1st year anniversary of the founder's death and spoke about how "we must not remain in the past with the founder's teachings, but rather develop into the future." 


Through the meeting held this day wives of Tongil Group executives will hold ongoing meetings in the future and gathered opinions about how to take part in and put into practice the activities of WFWP activities, and elected Mrs. Oh Yeong Lee (Ilhwa) as president.

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