Tongil Group




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Title Tongil Group employees donated from their salary towards the social company for N Korea Defectors
Date 2013-07-09 Hit 5968
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On June 19th, the staffs of Tongil Group visited the social company for North Korean Defectors, 'Hope Apparel' for donating 2 million won which is the partial donation from the salaries of Tongil Group workers.




Secretary-general YeongJu Yu answered questions about North Korean Defectors. President HakShil Kang described the process of North Korean defectors settling in to Korean society. This organization helps them to better adjust to life in Korea. In particular, North Korean Women defectors are provided vocational training to become hairdressers, hair designers, cooks and to acquire other certifications.However, in the work place, there is a gap between language and culture resulting in a low rate of successful job placement.


A needlework factory that is a social company called 'Hope Apparel' was started in 2009 using original equipment manufacturing for some North Korean Defectors. Hope Apparel was able to purchase sewing machines with a donation from the Women's Federation for World Peace when they started their business. But this time, thanks to donations from the Tongil Group employees, the initial costs could be covered for a high-cost commercial sewing machine that works holes into buttons for men's clothes. Mrs. Kang spoke about how she is well aware of the founder of the Tongil Group, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.


Commercial sewing machine (works the holes into buttons) purchased with the funds from the donations from partial salaries of Tongil Group

The Tongil Group is running the 'partial donation of salaries' hope dream support fund with the goal of activating support for the less fortunate,as well as activating social contributions. The program was started last October by about 1,400 Tongil Group employees voluntarily 'donating part of their salaries.'  Last April, as part of phase1, the Cheonghae Multicultural Children's Soccer Club was invited to watch a Seongnam Ilhwa Soccer Match and they were given soccer accessories. As part of phase 2 on June 20th, they gave 20 million won to the Multicultural Comprehensive Welfare Center to cover the medical costs of multicultural families. Phase 3 included providing support to a social company working with North Korean Defectors.

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