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Title Tongil Group's Partial Donation of Salary Hope Dream Campaign Multicultural Family Medical Treatment Result Report
Date 2013-12-15 Hit 6240
File MonthlySalaryLooseChange.jpg [688kb] MonthlySalaryLooseChange.jpg [688kb]

Beginning December 10, some 1,400 employees of the Tongil Group have begun participating on the Partial Donation of Salary Hope Dream donation campaign to raise funds for community service projects.


This past June 8, Tongil Group employees donated 20 million won for intercultural social support projects in the Partial Donation of Salary Hope Dream Campaign that was allocated for medical support for multicultural families. In order to provide financial support to multicultural families living in financially difficult circumstances, and having difficulty in obtaining needed medical care, the foundation provided 10 million won for dental treatments and another 10 million won for emergency medical care for multicultural families.




List of Supported Medical Treatments






Appreciation for medical treatment - B. Noh



Our youngest daughter was born in 2006 with a cleft lip, and had her first operation 100 days after she was born. She had a second surgery in the spring of 2010.  The first operation was covered by health insurance as a medical necessity, but the second was classified as elective plastic surgery, and the health insurance would not cover it. The second surgery was completed successfully, but in 2012, when we had plans for a third operation, our family was having financial difficulties, supporting four children, so it was not possible for her to have the third surgery. . .

Thanks to the support we received, the surgery was finally performed successfully, and my youngest daughter could finally go outside without a nose clip, the other kids stopped teasing her, and she could go to school cheerfully. There are many kinds of facilities and support around the country for multicultural families, but this was the first time in sixteen years that our family received this kind of badly needed support. . .

I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the employees of the Tongil Group for their devotion in making donations for this fund. They have made the impossible possible.



* What is a cleft lip?

Cleft lip is one of the most common congenital facial malformations. In Korea  approximately one in 650 - 1000 people is born with a cleft lip. The lips, face and palette are formed about 4-7 weeks into pregnancy. When they do not form correctly, and there is a gap, this condition is called schistasis. This is not a simple matter of skin; rather muscle, cartilage and bone deficiency are involved. This means that it may involved not only the lip and palette, but also the growth and shape of the nose, teeth, gums, and upper chin can be involved, which can affect the shape and appearance of the face.


List of Supported Dental Treatments



Appreciation for Dental Treatment K. K.


[Excerpt from Reflection]

I was born with weak teeth, and I was missing an upper front tooth and a lower front tooth. . .

Chewing my food was always painful, making it hard to chew, especially when I ate meat. This also made my stomach hurt.

When I met people, I always felt like they were looking at my missing teeth, which made me lack confidence, so I always hid my teeth with my hand when I talked. This made it difficult for me to communicate with people. . .

After I received treatment, my life changed a lot.  First the pain in my stomach disappeared.

My children said, "You got prettier!" I became more self-confident about meeting people. Before I had always felt uncomfortable meeting people, but now I can meet people with a heart of gratitude.

As my mind became more comfortable, I began to treat my children more nicely, stopped scolding them so much and really began to like them.

After receiving the treatment, I have been so appreciative of the support I was given.  There are so many people with difficulties more serious than mine. I began to feel sorry toward them. I felt that because I had been helped, I must find a way to help others. My husband works at a vegetable store, which means I always have extra vegetables, so I am sharing the extra vegetables with people in my neighborhood who need them.  

I want to thank everybody who made it possible for me to receive this benefit. I am living my life to try to give as much love to other people as I have received.




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