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Title Tongil Group Salary Round-Off Hope Dream Distribution Ceremony
Date 2014-03-14 Hit 5324
File TongilGroupSalaryRound-OffHopeDreamDistributionCeremony.JPG [6374kb]


On Friday, February 7th, at 10:30 AM, Tongil Group employees donated 75 million won from the round-off portions of their salaries to the Multicultural General Welfare Center (MWC). The ceremony was held at the MWC on the first floor, and was attended by emergency medical supply beneficiaries and Tongil Group and MWC executives.


Subsidiary Salary Round-Off Representatives exchanging greetings with the Director. 


The funds donated were made up of the round-off portions of salaries from employees of the Tongil Group’s subsidiary companies. Some of these employees were represented at the ceremony, giving special meaning to the event. 

Employees of the MWC at the ceremony


The Tongil Group Salary Round-Off Hope Dream Support Project was made possible by the transparent financial principles of the Tongil Group. In order to help the disadvantaged and bring about revitalization of social contribution, 1,415 Tongil Group employees donated the round-off of their salaries, totaling 35 million won, and combined with 40 million won in donations from Tongil Group’s subsidiary businesses, the Tongil Group was able to make a total donation of 75 million won. Through on and offline voting, it has been decided that the funds will be divided among three endeavors: emergency medical aid funds for the Multicultural Families Organization, volunteer aid for teen heads of household and senior citizens who live alone and support for Ireun Doongi, a group that supports premature infants. 



“The patronage that you have given not only last year, but this year as well, will become a huge support to those in need. I am so grateful to the Tongil Group for spreading the culture of giving,” said Man-Woong Jo, Director of MWC.  




President No-Hi Park, representing the 1,415 employees of Tongil Group, gave words of encouragement, saying, “I pray that this small contribution of our employees can become a great help to places that need it. As a representative of Tongil Group, I am very proud of my employees who have worked so hard.” The multicultural families who received emergency medical supplies, thanks to last year’s donations, also expressed their gratitude to the Tongil Group employees in attendance. 


Tongil Group resolves to work hard to extend the hand of compassion to those in need.

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