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Title Tongil Group wives' international workshop
Date 2014-03-23 Hit 5406
File TongilGroupWivesInternationalTraining.jpg [249kb]



From March 11th to the 14th, 38 participants went to the Ilshim Special Training Center in Urayasu, Japan, for a 4-day international workshop for Tongil Group wives. The purpose of this workshop was for the Tongil Group wives to discuss  the founding philosophy of Tongil Group, as well as to share information about Tongil Foundation’s international activities.



On the first day, March 11th (Tues.), the participants arrived at Narita airport at about 11:30 AM. On their way to Ilshim Training Center in Urayasu, they stopped to see a few sights, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building and the Imperial Palace, where the Japanese emperor resides.






After arrival at the Urayasu Ilshim Special Training Center, an opening ceremony and welcoming banquet was held for the participants. The local Japanese staff and personnel were very welcoming and hospitable to the visiting Tongil Group wives.




The Japanese personnel gave a very warm welcome to the wives. Among the Japanese personnel in attendance were Japanese Unification Church President Eiji Tokuno, Japanese Unification Church  Vice President Kikuko Suenaga, Ambassadors for Peace Co-President Masahisa Hayashi and Women’s Federation Vice-President Kyoko Furuta.




Mr. Jeong Soon Jo, Chairman of Tongil Foundation, began the opening ceremony with a preliminary address.




After the opening remarks, Japanese Unification Church President Eiji Tokuno gave a welcoming speech, followed by a congratulatory message by Ambassadors for Peace Co-President and Waseda University Honorary Professor Masahisa Hayashi.



Then, Korean wives residing in Japan gave a congratulatory performance to welcome the participants; livening the opening ceremony and welcoming banquet with a diverse and exuberant array of songs and dances.




On March 12th (Wed.), the second day of the workshop, a special lecture titled “Unification Movement in Japan” was given by Japanese Unification Church  President Eiji Tokuno, followed by a lecture on the founding philosophy of Tongil Group by Regional Director Byeong Ryeol Lee.






After dinner, the participants visited the Japanese church in Shibuya to survey the local mission sites. About 130 members gathered at the Japanese Unification Church to welcome the wives.







On March 13th (Thu.), the third day, after watching a video, the participants got much closer to each other during a sightseeing trip, during which they were able to ride the Tokyo Cruise Ship, tour Asakusa and visit the Oedo hot spring complex, among many other exciting activities.



On the last day, March 14th (Fri.), the participants attended the closing ceremony and shared testimonies of their experiences during the workshop. “Tongil Foundation will absolutely work hard to become a healthy, upright company that continues to grow and develop,” said Tongil Foundation Chairman Jeong Soon Jo.



“I was so moved by the Japanese members, who welcomed us with such warm hearts. I am very glad that I was able to learn about the founding philosophy of my husband’s company; and I am grateful that I could visit the mission sites as well,” said one wife of a subsidiary company representative in her testimony. “I am very happy that I could become closer with the other wives of Tongil Group’s subsidiary company employees.”





The 4-day Tongil Group Wives International Workshop ended with the closing ceremony. All of the participants returned to their countries with bright smiles on their faces. We hope that in the future, the families of Tongil Group can become true families overflowing with love and happiness. ^^ 

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