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Title Tongil Foundation Chairman Inaugural Address
Date 2014-03-24 Hit 5677
File DirectorJeongSoonJo.jpg [32kb]


“Transparent Management, Development of Human Resources and Critical Skills”

Tongil Foundation Chairman Jeong Soon Jo gives his inaugural address:

“We will strengthen Tongil Foundation to better carry out its founding goal: to become a foundation of support for the church.”


Respected executives and staff,

My name is Jeong Soon Jo. I am the newly appointed chairman of the support foundation for the Holy Spirit Association for Unification of World Christianity.

I feel so very unworthy to have been chosen by True Mother to stand in this precious position of Foundation Director. However, having engraved in my heart the words of True Mother, who is leading the Cheon Il Guk providence to liberate  Heavenly Parent and humankind, I feel that if we move forward ceaselessly, nothing can stand in our way.


Respected executives and staff,

True Parents created the Foundation with the mission of properly managing its assets and subsidiary companies, generating profits, attending True Parents and supporting providential activities, as well as church growth.

True Parents carried out the International Blessing Ceremonies in a time when Korea’s economy was very poor, and established businesses to cultivate fortune. We know that they did all of these things with the hope that we, the young blessed families called by the providence, would center on these businesses and advance forward with a heart of pride. Although we were able to make providential progress and expand the scale of the businesses, we were unable to make enough profits without the support of the members. Consequently, the entire group faced a lot of difficulties during the IMF crisis. At that time, True Parents, who were working hard in the Pantanal region in Brazil, shouldered all of our responsibilities for the situation, invested assets and recreated it into the Tongil Group of today.


I believe that transparency is the most crucial element in properly managing the assets and subsidiary companies of the Foundation that represent the blood, sweat and tears of True Parents.

Through ‘transparent management,’ I pledge to work hard to frugally manage the assets of the Foundation and generate profits.

The next important element is human resources. Although both capital and skills are important, both of these are managed by people, so we need to focus on people. In the settlement of high noon, in which no shadows are cast on the conscience, we need to listen closely to the hearts and souls of talented people.

Development of skills is also very crucial. True Parents always emphasized the importance of skills. In order to place the skills of Tongil Industry within the ranks of the world’s best, we called the most elite talented members from advanced countries such as Germany, Japan and the United States, to work for Tongil Industry in Korea. This is how Tongil Industry were able to contribute greatly toward the development of the machine and automobile industries in Korea. We need to continue to focus on the creation and development of skills in order to survive in this fiercely competitive global economy.


We are living in a crucial time for the providence, in which we absolutely must achieve the goals of “Vision 2020” centered on True Mother. I want to conclude my address today with the promise that I will work and study diligently, investing everything toward carrying out my responsibility to bring about the substantial Cheon Il Guk and to develop the association and church, centering on the providence of heaven, according to True Mother’s direction.


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