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Title Tongil Group Wives Meeting
Date 2014-04-20 Hit 5772
File TongilGroupWivesMeeting.jpg [247kb]

Tongil Group wives who became well aquainted while participating in the group's first overseas training tour for wives in March gathered at 11:00 on Wednesday, April 9 at Cheong Bok Gung. The group of 35 who participated included wives of Tongil company presidents, wives of Tongil Foundation officers and other group company wives.

The group's meeting was led Ho Yeol Ahn, from Tongil Group's external affairs department, starting with an opening prayer.

Unification Church district leader Byung Il Lee greeted the ladies saying, "I am so happy to meet you again here in Cheong Bok Gung after meeting you in Japan last time. I hope you will have the opportunity to meet often and share many activities."

After watching a video of the 1st Anniversary of Foundation Day, In Yong Lu, the head of Tongil Group's external affairs department gave a report on recent press coverage of the Tongil Group.


Working from the point of view reported by recent press coverage, he gave a full report on recent activities by Tongil Group companies.

After the press report, district leader Byung Il Lee led the group on a tour of Cheon Bok Gung, and reported on the scale and facilities of the Cheong Bok Gung headquarters church.


The tour included visits to the Grand Sanctuary on the 3rd floor, where Rev. Lee reported on the worship services held in the sanctuary and showed the ladies the production room where the sound and lighting equipment for the services is operated. Following that, they moved to the 2nd floor, where they visited the church's central offices and local district offices.  On the 1st floor, they visited the interreligious prayer room and the cafe.


The gathering concluded with the Tongil Group president's wives discussed future plans for the groups activities.

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