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Title Tongil Group’s 2nd Quarter PR Reporter Meeting
Date 2014-08-09 Hit 5652
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All living things ripen and thrive in July, the month of youth. It was in this golden month, on Tuesday the 8th, when the Tongil Group Subsidiary Companies’ 2014 Second Quarter PR Reporter Meeting was held in the Ilshin Stone Conference Room in Kangdong-gu, Seoul.


 In the Tongil Group press control status report, it was revealed that on July 4th and 5th, the “MBCNET Special: The Hope of South America, the Pantanal Project” was aired nationwide. The broadcast discussed many of the peace philosophies and accomplishments of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, including the International Leadership Conference, the New Hope Farms Project and the Sorocaba Soccer League. It revealed the couple’s hard work over a long period of time in overcoming the barriers of poverty, ideology and national borders.






Ilshin Stone has been working in the construction and stone supply business for about 40 years, and has continually demonstrated overall capability and leadership. The company has led the growth of Korea’s construction and stone supply industries by pioneering the import and supply provision of quarry stone from Europe, South America and China. They are currently working to develop new environmentally friendly finishing materials such as CORK. Ilshin Stone has also been revolutionizing their company culture by implementing new policies to improve executive leadership, including the introduction of a mandatory attendance system. The reporters at the meeting expressed interest in the idea of revolutionizing the company’s culture, and listened intently to the Ilshin director’s explanation.




Sunwon Construction’s PR presentation included a company introduction, history and management performance report, as well as an explanation on the company’s PR distribution and advertising strategies. Sunwon Construction was built upon the dream of “an ideal world built upon a lovely hill,” and seeks to unite heaven and nature together with humanity. The company policy is to “Be strict about principles, respectful towards people, and create values.” Sunwon Construction is working tirelessly as it strives each day to live up to its motto of “sincerity and good will.”

Sunwon Construction, which handled the construction of the Cheong Shim Education and Cultural Complex, Sun Moon University, Pine Ridge Resort, Yong Pyong Resort, Family Federation churches and many other major projects, is building its image through commercials, media advertisements, model houses, PR parcels, flyers, car wraps, broadcast sponsorship and various other methods.

Each company reporter then gave presentations on their promotional activities and future plans. The companies that reported included Ilhwa, Yong Pyong Resort, Ilsang Ocean Development Co., Segye Ilbo, Ilshin Stone, TIC, Seilo, Seil Tours and Sunwon Construction. Notable achievements included the television coverage of Cho Jung Mineral Water and Ilhwa’s McCol, the “Free for Dad, Safe for Mom” campaign of Yong Pyong Resort and the stadium advertisement of Ilsang Oceans Development Co.

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