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Title Tongil Foundation Backup Solution Seminar in Yeosu
Date 2014-12-16 Hit 5247
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On November 27th and 28th, 2014, 19 data processing managers from Tongil Group gathered for a seminar on server backup protocols at The Ocean Resort in Yeosu.


The seminar was held with the purpose of installing a backup server room, so that all of the subsidiary companies of Tongil Group could utilize the backup infrastructure. In the first section of the seminar, Foundation Deputy Jong-Hyun Im gave a report about the construction plan for the backup server room. In his greeting remarks, Foundation Team Leader Jeong-Min Hong described his experience in Japan at the time of the 2011 earthquake. As he shared the memories, which were still so fresh in his mind, he emphasized the importance of data backup. He also urged the data processing managers to use the installation of a backup server room as an opportunity to work together to actively utilize and maintain a backup infrastructure.



Afterwards, Foundation Deputy Kyung-Sam Kim gave a presentation on security education for data processing managers, as well as a report on the 2015 Foundation IT Team Business Plan.



In the second part of the seminar, Acronis, the backup solution to be implemented by Tongil Group, was introduced by engineer Tae-Gyun Park. He explained how to use the program and allowed the participants to practice on it.





After a short break, the companies which had already implemented the backup solution gave testimonies on their experiences with the program. The first to report was Ilhwa Data Processing Department Manager Seong-Joon Moon, who introduced the server managed by Ilhwa and reported on the backup solution implemented by the company. 

Next, Segye Ilbo Department Head Sang-Hoon Seo gave a report on the product used as a backup solution by Segye Ilbo.



After the reports and education segments of the seminar were concluded, each company was given an opportunity to discuss their opinions on the situation at hand. Each data processing manager from Tongil Group was allowed to candidly discuss what they felt were the pros and cons of the backup server room construction. 




Server Room Visit and Field Report



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