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Title Tongil Foundation Chairman Jeong-Soon Jo’s New Year Message
Date 2015-02-05 Hit 5052
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The new year of 2015 has begun.


As we send off the old year and welcome in the new one, we offer our gratitude to the Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.


Personnel of Tongil Group!


You have worked hard to overcome the difficult economic environment and bring about the growth and development of Tongil Group in 2014. As we usher in the new year, I want to wish you and your families the best of health and fortune.


I will strengthen the role of Tongil Foundation as a providential support foundation of the church, and invest my heart and soul through transparent management and the development of human resources and skills. I made this promise 10 months ago, on February 20th, when I was inaugurated as Tongil Foundation Chairman. I have worked diligently to help all of you during this time, giving serious attention to the subsidiary companies, visiting sites and clients, making sure I always understood the situation at hand, as well as acknowledging the difficulties you have faced.


“However, in April of 2014, the Sewol ferry sank, bringing along with it the crisis of the sinking  Korean economy, as the citizens of our nation mourned for the tragic event. Despite the financial crisis, Shin Jeong Development Co. reported its first surplus since being included as one of Tongil Group’s subsidiary companies in 2011. Ilshin Stone was very successful as well: the company was able to complete the first stages of leveling off the stone mountain that they acquired in 2013, successfully built a high rise complex on Pocheon Stone Mountain and opened the Stone City Gallery in Icheon. Yong Pyong Resort is making successful progress on the construction of a luxury condominium complex called Birch Hill Terrace Residences, and TIC has been strengthening their relationships with their biggest clients: Hyundai, Dymos and Ssangyong Corporation. They have also been taking steps toward a new breakthrough in the car parts industry.”


Do not forget the saying, ‘opportunities are found in times of crisis.’ As the chairman of Tongil Foundation ushering in the new year of 2015, I would like to urge you not to yield to crisis, but instead to take this as an opportunity to work your hardest, to arm yourselves with the mindset of challenge and innovation, to go beyond your goals and lay the foundation for the fulfillment of ‘Vision 2020’ for Tongil Group.


As Tongil Group is not a very large organization, any problems in one of the subsidiary companies will be felt by the group as a whole. As such, I urge all of you to bear this in mind and do your best. The Foundation will do its best to actively support you in bringing about good results.


Let us make this year’s slogan ‘Originality and Responsible Management.’ Responsible management can be read as ‘self-management.’ I entrust that all of you will participate in actively and passionately taking authority for the sake of the success, growth and change in your industries.

The subsidiary companies must work hard through active, passionate management and be sympathetic and understanding of the changes in the market through continuous innovation in order to bring about growth and development.

Tongil Group was formed through the sweat, blood and tears of True Parents. Through the combined efforts of our sweat and hard work, let us bring about prosperity for Tongil Group!


Please bring about growth and development this year through the principles of ‘originality’ and ‘responsible management.’ I wish you a happy new year in which all of your dreams come true.


Thank you very much.

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