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Title 2015 Tongil Group Employees’ Wives Workshop
Date 2015-10-21 Hit 5109
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The two-day “2015 Tongil Group Employees’ Wives Workshop” hosted by the Tongil Group was held during the Gaecheon jeol weekend from October 3 under the clear autumn skies. It was held at the Cheong Shim International Youth Training Center located in Gyeonggido, Gapyeong, and was attended by 300 wives from Tongil Foundation, Ilhwa, Yong Pyong Resort, Ilsang Ocean Enterprise, Il Shin Stone Co.    TIC, Shin Jeong Development Co., Segye Times, Seonwon Construction, Seil Travel Agency, JC, Seilo, Asia Oceans and Pyeong Nong.


This Wives’ Workshop was hosted for the wives of Tongil Group employees in order to bring about the victory of “VISION 2020.” This is the second year that it has been organized and has three objectives: 1) To understand Tongil Group’s founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s peace ideology and the reason for having established Tongil Group 2) To share the present situation on Tongil Group companies, Family Federation and providential organizations 3) In order to provide an opportunity for the wives of Tongil Group affiliates to socialize through the workshop.


Apart from Family Federation members, wives of different faiths such as Christianity, Buddism, Islam, etc., also participated and listened to lectures about the Tongil Group founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s peace ideology and worldwide peace activities, as well as the current situation of the affiliate companies.



The opening ceremony began at 10:30 AM, and the program included an introduction of the Presidents of affiliate companies, introduction of participants by company groups, viewing of video presentation introducing Tongil Group and opening remarks by Tongil Group Chairman Yun-Gi Choi. In his opening remarks,  Chairman Choi emphasized, “Try to open your heart and communicate with others. The founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon gave us many teachings throughout his life and told us to become new people. We have to think deeply about peace and family during our life time. We must overcome the conflicts between religions and realize Cheon Il Guk and in order to accomplish that, we must communicate in order to realize true families. I hope that this can be an opportunity for you to think about the founder’s beliefs and how you should go on living in an enterprise that was established by this founder.”









After this, there were reports from foundations and organizations including Tongil Foundation (Organizing Committee Director Jung-Kwo Kim) Ilhwa (CEO Seong-Gyun Lee) Yong Pyong Resort(CEO Chang-Ju Jung) Ilsang Ocean Enterprise (CEO Jong-Gwan Kim) Ilshik Stone Co. (CEO Hyeon-Yong Kim) TIC / Shin Jeong Development Co. (CEO Bong-Choi Jung)



After watching the documentary “Sunhak Peace Prrize, A New Message of Peace,” which aired on MBCNET in September, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Korea President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu spoke. He spoke on the topic, “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Activities Current Situation,” and quoted from Dr. Hak Ja Han’s speech on the commemoration of Europe’s 50 years of missions, “We are gathered here to reveal the truth.” He said, “The reason you are at this workshop is to reveal the truth,” and gave the example of the Wright Brothers who succeeded in flying the first powered airplane, “I hope that you can take with you the truth and conviction to welcome a new cultural revolution and new era and look at what the Tongil Group and Family Federation has achieved during the past 60 years of history with new eyes.” He also introduced Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han’s Washington Rally, Yeouido National Salvation International Rally, Proclamation of the end of Communism, Talks with Soviet Union President Gorbachev, talks with Kim Il-Sung, International Mass Wedding Ceremonies, Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony and the Third Anniversary of the Universal Seonghwa. He emphasized to the participants, “The Unification family keeps moving forward with a clear vision for the future.”



After the break, the actor Hye-Sun Jung, who has been receiving much love from the nation, gave a testimony about her connection to Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han during the testimony session, “In 1950, when I was a young middle school student, I once followed my friend to Cheong Pa Dong where the Unification Church was located, so there has always been some memory about the Unification Church in my heart. At that time, there were many strange rumors going around about the Unification Church, but I was surprised to find out that it was very different from what I had heard. I remembered Rev. Sun Myung Moon whom I had met at that time, so I really wanted to see him. Then at that time, I participated in a Peace Ambassadors education workshop, and it has already been 10 years since I’ve become a Peace Ambassador. Rev. Sun Myung Moon is not here right now, but I respect him the most. I say this before heaven without any shame or guilt. I say this because he seemed to be a very selfless man. By seeing Rev. Sun Myung Moon and by carrying out activities as Peace Ambassadors, I realized that I should make priorities for things in life. Up to today, I always try to prioritize my participation in Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s activities.” She received a warm round of applause from the participants.




Following this, Professor In-Tae Hwang spoke on the Korea-US-Japan International situation based on Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s peace ideology and peace activities, and introduced Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s leadership on matters such as North and South Korean Unification. After dinner, there was time to socialize through recreation, as well as a concert by the singer Kuk-Hwan Kim, famous for her songs “Tatata” and The Galaxy Express 999.” The sound of laughter from the participants rose up to the Cheong Pyeong skies all the way to the Milky Way.




On the second day, there was an introducation to the history of Cheong Pyeong by the Cheong Pyeong Training Center Vice-President Myeong-Gwan Lee, a report from Segye Ilbo (Manager Jun-Yong Cha), a report on recent media coverage (Head of the Media Deparment Ho-Yeol An). After that, the participants went on a Cheong Pyeong tour, visiting the Cheon Jung Gun Museum, the Cheong Shim Peace World Center, the Heaven and Earth Cheong Pyeong Training Center and the Cheong Shim International Middle and High School. The participants were especially moved when they visited the Cheon Jung Gun Museum and saw Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s relics and his life history. They will be able to cherish this memory forever through taking photos. At the Heaven and Earth Cheong Pyeong Training Center, the participants heard an explanation that Family Federation members from all over the world come to Cheong Pyeong, Korea, the homeland of their faith in order to participate in training workshops. They also had a chance to experience it themselves. They also had a chance to tour the Cheong Shim Peace World Center, which is Korea’s biggest complex cultural space, and felt the pride of the Family Federation movement.



 Some of the reflections from participants of the 2015 Tongil Group Employees’ Wives Workshop say, “It provided an opportunity for me to understand in more details about Tongil Group where my husband works and about the founders, the True Parents,” “There were many distorted facts in the back of my head, but through this workshop I could see the true face of Tongil Group; and it was an opportunity to once again realize the importance of family.” This Wives’ Workshop was an important time to share the legacy of the worldwide peace movement carried out by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the vision of the Unification Church.

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