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Title ‘2016 Multicultural Family Disabled Children Family Camp’ Held With Tongil Group Hope Dream Salary Round-off Support Fund
Date 2016-06-20 Hit 4805
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‘2016 Multicultural Family Disabled Children Family Camp’ Held With Tongil Group Hope Dream Salary Round-off Support Fund

The “2016 Multicultural Disabled Children Family Camp” took place at the Ocean Training Center in Manripo, Taeahn, Chungcheongnam-do, with 43 multicultural families with disabled children and 220 individual volunteers, on the 28th of May.

The Disabled Children Family Camp was planned out so that multicultural families with disabled children could gather, and through various programs and self-help meetings, hope and positive messages could be delivered. It was also selected as one of the supported businesses of 2016 of the “Hope Dream Salary Round-off,” which gathers the salary round-off of the Tongil Group faculty, and had all of its operation fees paid for. Under the hosting of the Multicultural Welfare Center, this is the 10th camp already.

Multicultural Welfare Center Director Byeong-Ho Son delivered his greetings by saying, “Just like the waves of the ocean, in everyday life a lot of work rushes towards us. Let us take in all of these difficult matters in a positive way and enjoy them. Let us overcome difficulties with the positive thinking that through this camp, even those with disabilities can be happy.”

Later on, International Family Conference President Etsuko Uda gave some words of encouragement, Tongil Group International Cooperation Headquarters Head of Department, In-Young Ryu, delivered the donation of 20,000,000 won to Director Byeong-Ho Son on behalf of the employees of Tongil Group, and the opening ceremony came to an end with greetings of gratitude by Cheonbohwoe President Naoko Hamaya.

After the opening ceremony, some time was taken to match volunteers with disabled children, and various programs took place, including as a visit to the beach and a family unity contest, some counseling through self-help meetings between the disabled children and their parents, and recreation with the children.


There have been other programs that have been supported as part of the 2016 Tongil Group Salary Round-off support business other than the “Multicultural Disabled Children Family Camp support” (20,000,000 won), such as the “Multicultural Youth Career Exploration with the Tongil Group” (15,000,000 won) of the True Love Peace School, the “Communication Program with Multicultural Family Youths in Adolescence” (4,000,000 won) of the Daegu branch of the Multicultural Welfare Center, and the “Children’s Day Nurturing Facilities Gift Support” (4,000,000 won) by the Aehyang Child Welfare Center, which were all selected by an online and offline vote by the employees of the Tongil Group and the general public.


In 2013 the funds were used for the medical expenses of multicultural families, the Saetumin social enterprise “Hope Apparel” industrial sewing machine support, and the support of soccer materials for the Cheonghae Multicultural Children’s Soccer Team, and in 2014 were used for the medical expenses of multicultural families, as well as the support of orphaned children, senior citizens living alone, and premature infants. Last year, support for elementary education in Syrian refugee camps, multicultural disabled children family camps and multicultural adolescents’ alternative school scholarships were provided.

Tongil Group represents the following 12 company affiliates: Ilhwa, Segye Times, Yong Pyong Resort, The Ocean Resort, Sunwon Construction, Ilshin Stone, TIC, Shinjeong Developed Special Vehicles, Seil Tour and Asian Ocean.

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