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Title [Channel A] Korean Ballet ‘Shim Chung’: Thirtieth Anniversary of a Filial Daughter
Date 2016-06-27 Hit 8881
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[Channel A]

Korean Ballet ‘Shim Chung’: Thirtieth Anniversary of a Filial Daughter

It has been 30 years since “Shim Chung,” a Korean folk tale about a filial daughter, who threw herself in the sea of Indangsoo as an offering so that her father could restore his sight, has been remade into an original Korean folk ballet.

What is the secret to its everlasting popularity among its audiences?

Kim Bum-Suk will report the news.

[Report] Ballerinas and ballerinos dressed in traditional Korean costumes are crisscrossing the stage with smooth gestures.

They even perform the mask dance to a symphony.

It has been 30 years since the story of “Shim Chung” and ballet joined hands. And the original star of “Shim Chung” has already become a director of the ballet company.

[Julia Moon/ Director of Universal Ballet Company, Original Shim Chung] I think my motivation behind “Shim Chung” was my sense of duty to introduce Korean culture to the world by embellishing ballet with Korean tradition.”

The fresher Shim Chung says she fell in love with “Shim Chung” at first sight.

[Hong Hyang-Gee/ Ballerina] “I was amazed to see ballet being performed that way in traditional Korean dress…”

Premiered in 1986, “Shim Chung” has been performed in more than 40 cities worldwide in the US and Europe, etc., and has sparked the Korean wave in ballet.

They will be performing in Indonesia this September.

[Julia Moon] “While most ballet pieces are about love between a man and woman, ‘Shim Chung’ is about love between a father and daughter. I think ‘Shim Chung’ is the one and only ballet piece based on such a theme.”

Lately, “Shim Chung” is also being performed in genres like Korean dance and living theater....[See the original story]

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