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Title The Tongil Foundation Special District Receives the Holy Items
Date 2016-07-21 Hit 4420
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On Thursday, June 23, 2016, on the 4th floor of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification building, a ceremony was held for the Presentation of Holy Items to the Tongil Foundation Special District for the victory of VISION 2020 and a new beginning for an era of Cheon Il Guk. A total of twenty people attended, including FFWPU Korea President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu, Vice-President Hyun-Young Lee, Foundation Special Church Leader Ho-Yeol An, Yongpyong Resort President Chang-Joo Jung, TIC President Beong-Chae Jung, as well as executives from eleven other companies. President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu presented the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items to the executives of affiliated companies through the Tongil Foundation Special District Cheon Il Guk Holy Items Ceremony.

The Foundation Special Church District receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

The Tongil Foundation receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Ilhwa recieves the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Yongpyong Resort receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Segye Times receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Ilshin Stone receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Sunwon Construction receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

TIC and Shinjeong Development, Special Purpose Vehicles, receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

The Ocean Resort receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Saeilo receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Seil Tour receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Pyeongnong receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

Asian Ocean receives the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items.

The Cheon Il Guk Holy Items Presentation Ceremony Orders of Events proceeded as follows: Opening Proclamation by Family Department Director and Master of Ceremonies for the event, Seong-Bok Hong, Candle Lighting by President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu, Bows, Cheon Il Guk Anthem, Family Pledge, Representative Prayer by District Leader Ho-Yeol An, Keynote Address by President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu, Presenting of the Cheon Il Guk Holy Items, Benediction, Group Photo, Three Cheers of Eok Mansei by Yongpyong Resort President Chang-Joo Jung and Closing Remarks.

District Leader Ho-Yeol An offered a prayer: "We were people with no direction, yet we are able to breathe the same air and live in the same age as the son and daughter of the Heavenly Parent. How can we forget this grace given to us by the Heavenly Parent and Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth? And we thank you for giving us these Holy Items, which are as precious as life itself. Please guide us so that we may fulfill our duty as citizens of Cheon Il Guk."

In his speech, President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu said, "Today is a very important moment. This type of gathering at the Korean Headquarters, with the foundation executives in attendance for a ceremony that shares the center, the core and the motivation of the Unification movement, is unprecedented." He continued, emphasizing the love of True Parents, who prepared the Holy Items, "True Parents did not simply give us these Four Great Holy Items. You can say that everything that has been done in the last three years are contained within these Four Great Holy Items."

Next, he emphasized the meaning behind True Parents establishing the Foundation Special Church District, "As the thirteen presidents under the Foundation, you can be considered the church elders in the Foundation Special Church District. You must play a key role. You are in the position of a leader. As you have received the Four Great Holy Items, I hope that you will fulfill your role of turning all of your employees into Blessed Families."

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