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Title The Third Tongil Group Abroad Employee Training
Date 2016-07-21 Hit 4165
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The third Tongil Group abroad employee training was held from June 13-17. It was a five-day, four-night training program held in Urayasu, Japan, at the Ilshim Special Training Center.

Through directly experiencing the global activities of the FFWPU and receiving education on the founder's ideology, the core values of Tongil Group, the FFWPU and Tongil Group were able to become one in mind and body. Furthermore, the 35 Tongil Group employees were able to clearly understand the activities of the FFWPU through the program.


The abroad training program consisted of education on the founder's ideology, an explanation on FFWPU Japan's activities, a testimony by a Korean wife residing in Japan, a lecture on media coverage and a tour of Japan's cultural sites.

Photo of the welcoming reception.

Welcoming address by Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Japan President Eiji Tokuno

Welcoming address by Sakura Club President Shinbo Kuniharu

Congratulatory Performances

On the first day, the opening ceremony and welcoming reception was held. FFWPU Japan President Eiji Tokuno and Sakura Club President Shinbo Kunihara gave a welcoming address to greet the Tongil Group employees from Korea. Congratulatory performances followed.

Viewing of MBCNET's documentary "Realizing the Dream of One Human Family."

Founder's Ideology lecture by Rev. Chan-Ho Kim

Founder's Ideology lecture by Rev. Joon-Ah Jung

Special Lecture by District Leader Dong-Won Jung

Special Lecture by UPF General Secretary Masayoshi Kajikuri

Special Lecture by Director Sang-Il Bang

The second day began with a viewing of the MBCNET documentary, "Realizing the Dream of One Human Family," followed by lectures on the founder's ideology by Rev. Chan-Ho Kim and Rev. Joon-Ah Jung. Next, District Leader Dong-Won Jung gave a lecture on the internal world entitled, "The Purpose of Life," followed by Secretary General Masayoshi Kajikuri's lecture "Blessed Families of Korea and Japan," and Director Bang Sang-Il's lecture, "Peace Activities between Korea and Japan."

After a long period lectures on the founder's ideology, it became time for team-building activities.

Participants were divided into teams, regardless of what company they belonged to, in order to foster unity as Tongil Group employees. The teams played an intensely competitive game of yute.

Special lecture by Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Japan President Eiji Tokuno

Testimony by Association for Korean Wives Residing in Japan President Kyung-Hee Kang

Special Lecture on media coverage by Tongil Foundation Foreign Cooperation Department Chief  Ho-Yeol An

On the third day, FFWPU Japan President Eiji Tokuno gave a special lecture, followed by a testimony by Association for Korean Wives Residing in Japan President Kyung-Hee Kang, a lecture on media coverage on the Tongil Group by Tongil Foundation Foreign Cooperation Department Chief Ho-Yeol An and, finally, the day ended with a lecture on the founder's ideology, as well as a special lecture.

A photo of Rev. Sun Myung Moon from when he attended Waseda University

Visiting Waseda University

Visiting the cultural site of Hakone

As part of the cultural site visitation, the group visited Waseda University where Rev. Sun Myung Moon attended as a student. They were able to experience a fragment of the life they learned through the founder's ideology lectures.

Also, they visited Hakone, located near Tokyo, to observe Japan's historical culture, as well as enjoy a hot spring.


In their reflection, program participants said, "Through this workshop, I was able to learn more about the life story of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, as well as the value and ideology of the FFWPU. As I was able to look at it anew, I made the determination to let others know the truth about the FFWPU."

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