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Title [KyungSangMaeil Newspaper] FFWPU Rally of Resolution for the 60th Anniversary of Japan’s Missionary Providence
Date 2018-07-09 Hit 7365
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[KyungSangMaeil Newspaper]

FFWPU Rally of Resolution for the 60th Anniversary of Japan’s Missionary Providence

The “60th Anniversary of FFWPU Japan: 20,000-person Rally for a Hopeful March Forward of FFWPU for a Heavenly Japan in 2018” was held by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Saitama’s Super Arena. 


The rally was held in Saitama’s Super Arena with the attendance of 22,000 people, including Dr. Hak Ja Han, President Sun-Jin Moon of the Family Federation, President Yeon-Ah Moon of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, Chairman Hoon-Sook Moon of the Korean Culture Association and the Japanese National Assembly, along with key representatives from politics, government, economics, religion and the media, Peace Ambassadors, Japanese and American youths and members of the Family Federation.

Dr. Hak Ja Han emphasized through her keynote speech that “Today, we have reached the limit to what humans can do to fix this world full of difficulties and conflicts. There is only one way to obtain world peace and that is not by living for the sake of ourselves, but by living centered on God, our creator,” and that “Japan should reflect on their past mistakes and become a country with the motherly characteristics of putting children before themselves. They must become the mother country of the world.” In addition, Dr. Han stated that “Blessed families of 2nd and 3rd generations are victoriously going out into the world. The world has no future today as it is self-centered and egoistic, not knowing the importance of family. However, 2nd and 3rd generations and members of the Family Federation are taking the lead in creating world peace, which God desires, by understanding the value of a family.” Dr. Han added that she “wishes for Japan to fulfill her role in becoming the heavenly Japan, a mother country that attends God and embraces the world.”

For the 60th Anniversary of Japan’s Missionary Providence, the founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han, along with elders who were active with witnessing, volunteering, and promoting peace since its founding, expressed their thanks and made a new resolution that they would continue to develop the Japanese Family Federation Church through the divine truth, and aim for Vision 2020 by uniting the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation into one; and putting into practice the National Redemption Movement and world peace.


Japan’s missionary providence started when missionary Bong-Chun Choi was dispatched to Japan on July 15, 1958. A year later, on October 2, 1959, the Family Federation of Japan was first founded on the 2nd floor of a clock store in Tokyo, West Waseda, as the Holy Spirit Association for the  Unification of World Christianity-Tokyo branch and had their first commemorative service there. The Family Federation gives the message of hope and life, “Unification through love and forgiveness,” to the suffering people of the world by illuminating Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han’s Peace Movement for the liberation of mankind and world peace, in order to realize world peace and restore mankind by year 2020, which is also the 100 birthday of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Ever since Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Seonghwa ceremony in 2012, movements for world peace have continued to grow. This year in January, a summit in Senegal in Africa was held. In April, 10,000 people also attended the peace rally in Austria. In May, 10,000 people attended the peace rally in BEXCO, Busan. In June, 20,000 people from the capital attended the rally for the Liberation of National Patriots and the Unification for World Peace in the Cheongshim Peace World Center..... [See the original story]

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