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Title [Ilshin Stone] Designated for Outstanding Case of Smart Work in 2012
Date 2013-02-08 Hit 5916
File 1.칭찬캠페인및시상.jpg [166kb]

In December 2012, at the "2012 Outstanding Cases of Smart Work" arranged by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the National Information Society Agency, Il Shin Stone was designated as an outstanding case.


For continuous growth Il Shin Stone was designated for "innovation" as its strategic priority. The 'work hard' method that has shown its limits in the workplace is seen as no longer required, but instead a people centered 'value management foundation smart work' was implemented.


In particular, 3 major sections of the work process were carried out at the same time according to

 type of approach. They were organizational culture, work place, and work process. 



Making the rough culture of the stone industry rational, and from rational, emotional and efficiency standpoints the efforts implemented in a smart way despite it being a medium sized production company prepared a system and introduced the operation of SW giving it top marks.


The outstanding cases selected are to be made into a collection of case studies in efforts to spread to attract the partcipation of and for them to make efforts to introduce administrative agencies, public agencies, businesses and more to participate in smart work. 



Now, shall we take a look at just what kind of innovations Il Shin Stone is taking part in? ^^



1. Praise Campaign and Awards


By citing 'King of Praise' and 'King of Praise Runner-up' efforts were made to change the atmosphere within the company to a bright one

Scene of a 'King of Praise' awards




2. Establisment of a Table Tennis Club and an active Soccer Club, the setting up of a karaoke machine

Il Shin Stone employees enjoying table tennis


View of the karaoke machine in the company




3. Education of Values


Carried out ongoing values education intended for all employees

(Phase 1: Feb, Phase 2 September - November)

Scene of values education




4. Additional  Pledge Content 


"I will familiarize myself with the company vision, core values and pledge activities to take the lead in implementing values management" was added



5. Operation of an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)


Assistance provided for employees to receive counseling from a professional counselor to solve problems that might adversely affect job satisfaction or productivity such as stress directly related from occurrences at work or in the home, health, character, marital problems, and raising children. 

Employee assistance program




6. Building of a Smart Office with Reassigned Seating


·  Achievement of an open office : introduction of reassigned seating, building of an IP Phone System, video conferencing


·  efficient use of space : conference room expansion, intensive work spaces, individuals lockers and changing room


·  flexible, creative thinking skills, building of a lounge within the office, informal layout


·  effect of displaying company products (Cork)


Relaxed office atmosphere

Building of a lounge within the office, informal atmosphere




7. Improvement of Work Process


(1) Visual Planning



· Implementation of a working type innovation that reveals work that was completed (Visual) and (Planning)


· routine VP inspections  → presentation of inspection results


· introduction of VP team leader who is separate from teams


· Fewer meetings after the introduction of team leader VP (twice a month)

Sharing of visual work that is taking place 

Reduced meetings that are unnecessary to the sharing of work




(2) 6 sigma


· quality innovations and achievement of customer satisfaction through the establishment of an efficient quality culture


· Boost the quality of the processes of the above parts strengthening competitiveness


· belt certification ratio: 34.7%, total of 45 performance tasks

Scene of granting 6 sigma certification


Scene of presenting 6 sigma task

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