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Title [Tongil Group] Promotion of Tongil Group to FFWPU National Leaders
Date 2013-03-19 Hit 7667
File 130227통일그룹소개(67).jpg [253kb]
A Tongil Group promotional event for FFWPU national leaders was held at the Ilhwa Chuncheon Factory and at the Yong Pyong Resort on February 27, 2013 with 220 national leaders in attendance. The event consisted of first sightseeing at the Ilhwa factory, next a promotional briefing of Tongil Group, and finally a gifting of PC laptops and clothes for overseas mission areas.

The briefing included an introduction of Tongil Group by its secretary general, Mr. Hong Seon Pyo, an introduction of Yong Pyong Resort by its president, Mr. Jeong Chang-ju, an introduction of Ilhwa by its president, Mr. Lee Seong-gyun, an introduction of TIC by its president, Mr. Jo Gil-su and an introduction of Shinjeong Development by its deputy department head, Mr. Jo Sang-eon. The briefing concluded with words by Dr. Chang Shik Yang. Each presenter asked for various forms of support and interest. Particularly of note was a request by the Ilhwa presenter, who asked for help in creating a new market for Ilhwa from the national leaders.

Through this day’s event, national leaders and missionaries from around the world could have a good opportunity to understand more about Tongil Group subsidiaries such as Yong Pyong Resort, Ilhwa, TIC and Shinjeong Development. Dr. Chang Shik Yang emphasized to the national leaders that they are not just spiritual leaders for their mission areas, but they also are responsible to prepare economic foundations. He encouraged the national leaders to take note of the financial success that Tongil Group has enjoyed in order to strengthen the economic foundations in each of their nations.

<Sightseeing at the Ilhwa Chuncheon Factory>

<Promotion and Introduction of Tongil Group at the Yong Pyong Resort>

MC: Mr. Timothy Elder, Tongil Group director of public relations

Tongil Group Introduction: Hong Seon-pyo, group secretary general 

Introduction of Yong Pyong Resort: Jeong Chang-ju, company president

Introduction of Ilhwa: Lee Seong-gyun, company president

Introduction of TIC: Jo Gil-su, company president

Shinjeong Development: Jo Sang-eon, company deputy department head

Eight laptops were donated to FFWPU Philippines

1,592 t-shirts were donated to Africa

Address by Dr. Chang Shik Yang

Group photo

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