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Title 3rd Quarter PR Reporter Meeting
Date 2014-10-23 Hit 5690
File _MG_2926.JPG [1900kb]



On October 15th (Wed.), 2014, the 2014 3rd Quarter Public Relations Reporter Meeting was held at the JC Meeting Room in Shiheung City, Gyeonggi-do.

13 PR reporters from Ilhwa, Yong Pyong Resort, Segye Ilbo, Ilsang Ocean Development, TIC, Shinjeong Development Co., Sunwon Construction and Seil Tour attended the meeting.



In continuation of their report from the second quarter, Ilshin Stone reported that JC is now selling the metal surface preparation agents and water disposal treatments that they had been chemically developing. After the official opening of the meeting, JC Headquarters Director Cheol Bae greeted all of the reporters. He told them that he was coming on behalf of the JC CEO, who was unable to attend the meeting due to a previous engagement, and welcomed the Tongil Group PR reporters himself.


JC Deputy Department Head HyunJu Kim then gave a company introduction. JC created the first HVAC vehicle parts in Korea, and developed an aluminum welding material called Al-Flux, the export of which has been gradually increasing. They have also received critical acclaim for the water waste disposal agent they developed, which is being made and sold in their factory in Goryeong-gun. The company continues to work hard to overcome the current economic slump through attention to product quality, as well as the installation of new equipment.



The company introduction was followed by a report on the current state of affairs in Tongil Group’s Foreign Cooperative Administration. Department Head In-Yong Ryu reported on the press coverage of Rev. Moon’s 2nd Seonghwa Anniversary Event in September, as well as other pressing issues regarding Tongil Group.





After the first part of the meeting, the PR reporters received a report by the JC plant manager, and then took a tour around the factory itself.




In the second half of the meeting, PR reporters from the different companies gave reports.

At today’s 3rd Quarter Gathering, Ilhwa Department Chief Won-Seok Lee and Ilsang Ocean Development Deputy Wee Chan shared on the public relations activities of each company. 



Deputy Wee Chan shared a presentation about Ilsang Ocean Development, focusing mainly on “The Ocean Water Park,” including publicity methods, such as their promotional and media concepts.



After the presentation, each company shared their schedules for the 4th quarter, thus concluding the 3rd Quarter PR Reporter’s Gathering.


The gathering was an opportunity for each subsidiary company to learn about the other companies of Tongil Group, and to achieve improved relationships among the business team.

Each PR reporter was able to share about their own companies and learn about others.

Through this, they resolved to work harder to help each of their companies.

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