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Title Report for Tongil Group Salary Round-Off Donation to Elementary School at the Syria Refugee Camp in Lebanon
Date 2015-04-04 Hit 5512
File KakaoTalk_20150328_031457990.jpg [75kb]




During the selection process to determine the beneficiaries of donation funds from the 2014 Tongil Group Salary Round-Off Service Project, the Elementary School at the Syria Refugee Camp in Lebanon came in second place. The Salary Round-Off Service Project donated 13 million won ($13,000) to this particular elementary school, which supports the primary education of Syrian children who have taken refuge in Lebanon due to the civil war ravaging their home country.

The Elementary School at the Syria Refugee Camp is divided into three levels: preschool, lower-elementary school and upper-elementary school and offers Arabic, English and Mathematics education programs. The camp will provide education to 45~60 children in total with 15~20 students in each level, and is expected to run for eight months.





Presently, construction of a second building for the temporary elementary school is on the way.

We have assigned a supervisor on site to oversee the construction of this temporary elementary school and ensure no major problems hinder its development.

I can confidently assure all Tongil Group employees that we will run this temporary elementary school with great care so that after the eight-month period of education has completed, the children who participated will have felt value in learning and the parents of these children will feel deep gratitude from the bottom of their hearts. I once again thank you for your precious devotion and love. Please continue to encourage and invest interest in this project so that the children’s education can be carried out smoothly.

Letter from the donation recipient at the Elementary School at the Syria Refugee Camp in Lebanon

Dear Tongil Group Employees,

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Tongil Group employees and company for selecting the education program at the temporary elementary school in the Syria Refugee Camp in Lebanon through the voting for the Tongil Group Salary Round-Off Service Project. Due to the war, half of the Syrian people have been scattered and have fled to neighboring countries. In the midst of all this, there are many young Syrian refugees who cannot receive an education. I am certain that you have selected our proposal because you felt pity for the miserable situation of these children and you desire to create one universal family. I express my deepest gratitude for your kind hearts and philanthropic spirit of loving the world as if it were your own family.

Currently, there are over 130,000 Syria refugees residing in Lebanon. Many Syrians are suffering due to the war, but the children in particular, who have done nothing wrong, are deprived of the basic rights they should be entitled to. They long for the day when the war will be over and they can return to their hometowns. This precious donation money will be completely invested into the education of these children to prepare them for the future. We will do our best to run this program throughout these eight months so that these children will develop into adults who can contribute towards the development of their nation. I would like to conclude this letter of gratitude with the hope that all your dreams and aspirations for the year 2015 may be realized centering on Heavenly Parents and True Parents.

31st March, 2015

Jong-In Park, Lebanon

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